That picture is quite well done, the stairs were incredibly well done. The only thing which put me off was the shadows. They looked fake and I would of actually believed that was a real image if the shadows were alot better.
Movie VFX artist, 3d TD
Age 31, Male
3D animator
High school
In third dimension.
Joined on 5/19/08
That picture is quite well done, the stairs were incredibly well done. The only thing which put me off was the shadows. They looked fake and I would of actually believed that was a real image if the shadows were alot better.
Shadows are bad, because I used internal render, and it supports only Ambient occlussion, but V-Ray supports Global illumination
than shadows will be awesome
Wow , that was made in blender?
quite good , I quit blender after a few days , couldn't figure out anything even though I use 3ds max for about a year and a half now
I would love to get into 3D stuff, just never got round to it -.-" awesome job on this! looks really realistic!
That staircase looks so real.
Just like Flast, the results you get from a particular package always depends upon how well you can use it..
For what little geometry is in that pic, you've done a hell of a good job on the rendering side!
Fuck thats awesome, the staircase and floor is amazing O.o
pretty amazing,this could well replace flash movies in the future.i mean look,you have animated this kina stuff,so what would be stopping full length madness movies?
something we all should think about 8l
very nice.
Damn I like the reflections
Holy fuck! Man, that is just freaking insane :O
there is no secret,
you just need:
-good PC
-Blender (freeware)
-shitload of talent
thats all :-)
Ok, not 3D animation, bad use of words there.
That's awesome. So you're going to do more stuff like this.
Don't forget free time. You need that too.
Oooooh shiny
How long did this take?
2 or 3 days
i dun liek ur tone mr
you should work on yokur grammar
The Flash was a joke, I'm WAAAY better then that.
LOL I know that
my review was joke too :D
I thought that was a real picture at first :P
yeah, sometimes It can be unrecognable
nice picture :O