Movie VFX artist, 3d TD

Henrich Achberger @Sunshaft

Age 31, Male

3D animator

High school

In third dimension.

Joined on 5/19/08

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Bunnykill vs Madness

Posted by Sunshaft - July 3rd, 2011

What do you think is better? bunnykill5 or madness10 ?

I think, that bunnykill totally raped mc10.

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gotta agree with you dude better art animation and action it was fast paced and the characters r bunnies not just rag dolls

bunny kill - - the non limited color pallet and settings make it seem a bit more dynamic and interesting IMO

I'm inclined to agree with RedHarvest. But I do find the characters for Madness far more interesting than the bunnies. I don't like their shapes exactly, the whole shape and design for the Madness body is really unappealing to me, but I love the concepts and designs for the characters in Madness.

Well Bunny kill was rly rly Epic!
But....MC is supposed to be dull with the grey colours and the slow action.That brings out hte professionalism in Hank and the Evil Angel thing.
But still BunnyKill :D

I'd have to say, there both equally good, madness combat 10 was very interesting and had a good plot, bunnykill 5 was just that as well, I find bunnykill to be a mixture of madness and ninja stivk figure stuff, there are both equally good, in there own unique ways...

Madness is more fun but Bunnykill has more of a plot. But Personally, I prefer the former as it's the original and without Madness, there would be no Bunnykill to begin with.

personally i find that madness is better
dont get me wrong i love the bunykill series but the problem is that bunnykill doesnt stay consistant. for one im pretty sure shadow was dead and so was dust along with the rabbit scientist. further more, shadow was on snowball's side right before he last died. number 2, im pretty sure dust was an enemy. thirdly when did this turn into some sort of agency type thing
im sory im starting to drone
the point is that bunnykill has awesome action but lacks a solid storyline
I might be siding with madness a bit more because ive been watching it over a longer period of time but so has everyone else i think madness 10 was far more anticipated. (mostly because we didnt know of another bunnykill) personally i think that madness won with stoyline well basically because it stays true to its word. the characters may not look as apealing but still drive a sort of emotion to them that runs down a far greater depth.
now for action... i gotta say the new bunnykill made the greater leap. it drew out an alternative fighting style and action flow than wat newgrounds is normally used to. the creativity and hard work put into it far exeeds madness 10 (please forgive me krinkles). madness 10 did have great action and it is commended for that but it is something we have all seen before. there is nothing wrong with that infact we all enjoy it. it just got one upped by the new flow.
now in general movie perspective is to hard for me to determine. fans have there own designated opinions so i cant speak for them.

bunnykill where to repetitive but it has awesome graphiqs madness wherent repetitiv they are awesome but they shoud create a bunny kill day every year so pepols can submite there bunny kill shows like madness day

Personally I prefer bunnykill :)


I have to agree that bunnykill 5 had better art but I rather stick to madness. It's so much cooler :/

I love how everybody here just CAN'T FUCKING SPEAK.

Other than that, Bunnykill is probably my favorite.

yes, Bunnykill 5 is more than cool!, but MC10 really good too, for me, is better Bunnykill.

I don't really have a favourite, they both are nice and suffer somewhat at the same time.

As interesting as Madness was, Krinkels wrote himself into too many corners. The Administrator isn't an interesting character, the fights are getting too ridiculous (CrabHank versus TrickyGhostMonsterAdmin? What?) and I almost started getting back into it when he decided to go with the 2 new characters, but when he killed one off, just to get replaced with Hank, I lost interest again.

Bunnykill has a better story-driven system of telling a new one every time, using the same characters in a different light. That said, I don't like the character designs and the action does get a bit dull. The swords are magical bullet-blocking shields which is fine for a scene, but is really tedious for an entire movie. Besides that, it still isn't an original concept which also works as a disadvantage.

well, MC has a storyline and has a good animation, BK dont have a storyline but each chapter is really awesome and the animation is better. So i think that BK5 RULED!!

I'd say that bunnykill has much smoother animation. and the one-on-one fights are always better.

well, madness came out before and i think bunykill is just to much the same to madness

I think BunnyKill is way better.
This is what there is :
Bunnykill :
+More action
+Better graphics
+More "clever" kills
+More epic moments
+Everything moves at the same time.
-Doesn't has a solid story (AKA Non-consistent)
-It doesn't comes out as often
Madness :
+Better story
+Stays consistant
+Has a principal hero and a principal villian, Unlike BunnyKill , witch changes every once in a while
+Is more violent
-It seems as if most of the time just 2/5 things move , and the others stay like that
-It's far more slower than BunnyKill
-ALWAYS ends up abruptingly except for 1 or 2 episodes
Anyway , that's just my opinion , but i'm pretty sure lots of people agree.

well...now that i think about it Madness.
ive always been a great fan of madness and bunnykill and the reason i said bunnykill was much better than madness in the bk 5 comments is becuz i was way too impressed at the moment after watching bk 5 but now that i think about it madness is better.the plot of madness is much more bigger and better and i think bk should have a plot that builds up in the series and not have some other story every episode. the characters in madness are also more interesting. although bunnykill did have more action and a was bit more epic im still gonna have to stick with Madness. long live Krinkels and good work Mottis!

I agree with you. Madness is stale. Bunnykill has exciting fights. The end.

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