Finally, this project is slowly getting real.
So far I made some backgrounds, guns, effects. I dont want to use any sprites from original madness, I want to be everything drawn and animated by our team. Now I work on Characters, I work with MOC productions on story, then I plan all the action scenes.
This needs to be finished before we will even start to animate this movie.
My challenge is, to make this movie enjoyable even to people who dont know madness and expect from cartoons more than endless kills.
Do you like my art style? I want it to be quite different from ussual madness movies.
What are your favorite guns you want in the movie?
I think your art style looks great but, i don't like the way you drew the eyes, they're too big in my opinion. But i don't know, maybe i'm just too fond of the way how krinkels draws them.
I find them really nice, I did drawings with smaller, larger and different eyes and I find these the most suitable. They will also get smaller and eyebrows and and facial animation gets to work. but every opinion counts